March, 29, 2020. 11:10 PM. Athens, Georgia. 
Original Available 
Prints Available upon request.
Read After Dying
If you protect yourself 
You will never be free 
The secret of the ascent is to never look back
Don’t fall .... let go 
Find that trap door within your mind 
It’s your way out.
A fish doesn’t see the water
flying through their blue sky.
Stop expecting your mind to fix things. 
Everything will be okay
 as soon as you are okay with everything 
Relax and release.
L.R. Bennett
Still, in my red era. I've now gained a natural understanding of the relative value of colors when creating depth, the importance of choosing a consistent light source, and the use of highlights and all their majesty. Oil pastel, Acrylic on gessoed canvas. 

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