Between The Lines
The limitations that we viewers have agreed upon as a collective have been in correspondence to what has been, throughout humanity, as it has been known, in form. In other words, Blessed are the malleable, and such is that of the mind. Superimposing its disposition without conscious thought gestation, the mind begins to water like the mouth of a hungry dog already digesting in the body what is so without. 
By rendering previously experienced and not yet experienced phenomena, our brains mind little manners when forcing the conscious observer out of the driver’s seat. 
We are forever at the whim of the ever-presumptuous unconscious mind and our trigger/reward systems. If that’s how you’d like to name it. Sorta like naming your son after you type beat. Not very creative. I mean you are what you eat right? Food for thought lol. 
The manifest world in an altered state is seen through the eyes and the level of consciousness that comprehends eternity. When you comprehend eternity, or at least agree to it, what we begin to experience in a manifestation, is what can only be. The In-Between serves to remind viewers, and myself to release and receive, whatever that may look like or feel like to you, in whatever moment in or outside of time as demarcated by us. 
Disembodied nostalgia keeps my heart supple to these arduous and pace-changing artworks. Like waiting for the bus in your kindergarten classroom, eyes swimming, and days dreaming. Maybe it was just that city road rug we all experienced as kids that led us here.
Through a layered range of acrylic paint atop gessoed canvas. Field paintings offer an optical illusory effect and mesmerism through audience interaction with the works. Likely inspired by Landon’s fascination with flags, stained glass, and that weird bonk screen full of highly saturated colors displayed on yesterday’s TV screens post-program/VHS end sequence. All core, unconsciously collected symbols of affect for Landon before the age of five.
L.R. Bennett

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